Friday, May 15, 2009

Day 14

Mom got her staples out on Wednesday. Jamie drove her into Boston to Dr.Weller's office. She said they came out easily and that it didn't hurt much at all. No new information given about changes to her rules-to-live-by. Meaning, if you see her outside weeding, driving around, lifting anything beyond 10 lbs, stop your car, walk her back into her house and remind her how gross the surgery was. Also, ask her if she wants them to go back in and have to fix any popped screws or areas that didn't fuse properly. Thank you.

She sees Dr. Weller in early June to have an xray and see how the bones are solidifying. That will be a telling appointment. As always, please feel free to stop in at Mom's and offer to load some laundry, pull a few weeds for her (which I did yesterday), or take her to the movies. We're now at the point where she feels trapped at home. You all are the best, thank you for helping her!

I won't be updating the blog again until she sees Dr. Weller, or if she breaks the rules and does some damage.

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