Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ta Da!

Mom's follow-up visit went smashingly! Her x-rays showed her new, cool, hardware. He was happy with how she's doing. He let her go home without her neck brace. She cannot drive until she has had 2 PT sessions. But once she has them, she has her wings back. She seemed both thrilled and terrified of this--totally natural!

So, she'll go back in 6 weeks for another round of X-rays and follow-up visit with the good doc. Blog will be left up for a bit, but we'll take it down then. And, if you see the poll numbers you'll all be glad, like me, that she followed the rules. The two maybe votes were by her, isn't that funny?

Here are pix from the hospital stay, somewhat gross, but very telling compared to how great she's doing now...